Lost & Found Contacts:

Dog Warden,
ISPCA Dog Shelter,
Co. Kildare
059 8623388

Local Rescue Groups:

KWWSPCA (Kildare & West Wicklow)
Ph: 087 6887136

Kildare Animal Foundation
Ph: 045 522929

Littlehill Animal Rescue
Ph: 087 6029224

Community Cat Carers Newbridge
Ph: 085 1000783

Ash Animal Rescue
Ph: 059 6473396

PAWS Animal Rescue
Ph: 052 9153507

Celtic Animal Lifeline
Ph: 087 2645245/086 3969360


Local Garda Stations:

Ph: 045 431212

Ph: 045 527730

Ph: 045 481212

Ph: 045 884300

What to do if your pet is missing?
  1. If your pet is microchipped make sure your contact details are up to date. This greatly increases your chances of having your pet returned as all vets, dog wardens and rescue centres will have a microchip scanner, so if your pet is brought to any of them you will be reunited quickly.

  2. Contact the Dog Warden (for dogs only), as well as local veterinary clinics, local rescue centres and your local Garda station – give them the details of your pet and your contact details. See below for a list of contact numbers.

  3. Post a photo and a description of your pet on your own Facebook page and other social media outlets and ask your friends and family to share.

    You can also ask local veterinary clinics and rescue centres to share it on their page which will likely have a higher level of traffic. Our facebook page is www.facebook.com/cottagevets – please send us a private message with all the details and we will add it to our page as soon as we can.

  4. You can put up posters in your local area with a photo of your pet and your contact details.

    Do not put your address on the poster, just a contact number. It is not encouraged to mention a reward on these posters as if your pet is found by a member of the public they should be happy to return your pet to you regardless.
What to do if you find a pet?
  1. Bring the lost animal to a local vet, rescue centre or the dog warden so they can be scanned for a microchip. If the pet is not microchipped and you are unable to look after them then you should contact the local rescue centres to see if they can take them, otherwise you must take them to the local pound where they will be kept for a minimum of 5 days.

  2. All found dogs must legally be reported to the local dog warden, even if you plan to keep the pet in your home while looking for the owner.

  3. Post a photo and description of the pet on your Facebook page and ask your family and friends to share. You can also ask local veterinary clinics and rescue centres to share it on their page which will likely have a higher level of traffic.

    Our facebook page is www.facebook.com/cottagevets.
    It is best not to give a full description of the pet, so that you can verify that the true owner has contacted you.